When entering your Evil Genius phase, it is wise to keep a note of all the important dates, plans, and ideas to combat that infernal brain fog. It’s also a good time to figure out who (or what) has been your nemesis all these years and how you can now overcome them (or it). Write your manifesto as you enter this new phase of your life, come up with your own code, and define your origin story. With a little organisation and forward planning, you could rule the world -or at least your world. Plot your revenge, make a note of all your minions names, and use this journal to keep track of everything.

And once you’ve filled it all in, you’ve got all the information you need to write an epic about page for your evil genius website, a manifesto for your company. And a clear idea about what you value and what you don’t. You can use it for whatever you want to use it for, but I highly recommend using it to rule your own world. To be the main character in your life. And plan for your future.
It’s now available on Amazon here.

You can use The Evil Genius Journal to figure out your role in your story, or your main character’s role in their story. It’s meant for plotting and planning in, scribbling your ideas down, and taking up space in your world so you can’t forget about what you’re working on.

Horror and Fantasy Author – Also writing as K.T. McQueen. Love Western Horror, cowboy boots, my cactus Collin, & my Demon Cat.
Moths – I hate moths, the way they flutter at your face!