Disaster Horror Movies to Watch this Weekend

Without the world where would we live?

Disaster horror movies are great at reminding us how easily nature could turn against us. I mean, a Sharktopus is totally possible right? Everything from aliens coming to mine our planet for their much needed resources to spiders the size of buildings chowing down on, well, anything with a pulse really, find their way into disaster horror movies. Time to prepare for the consequences of our actions? These movies might just help…or, at the very least, remind you a few humans always find a way to survive in the end. It may or may not be you. Do you even have a plan?

#8 Cloverfield

If you want the first person experience this is the one to go for. A creature the size of a skyscraper decides on a night out in New York. And human party goers catch the whole terrifying night on their mobile phones. I don’t think I’d even think to press record if this happened where I was. And when you’re done with this one don’t forget the a sequel 10 Cloverfield Lane.

#7 Eight Legged Freaks

I loved this movie. I still have it on VHS somewhere in the loft. This is what happens when you’re not careful with chemicals. They get onto spiders (and probably other creepy crawly things that are fairly unpleasant whilst small never mind when hugefied!) and make them super massive.

#6 I Am Legend

Sometimes, just sometimes, the problem isn’t nature. Sometimes it’s us stupid humans thinking we can play at being gods. Pfft, when will we learn? A man made plague turns people into mutants. Not the kind with superpowers who help save the world. Oh no, this plague turns them into monsters who’d like nothing more than to slurp up your blood.

#5 Deep Blue Sea

I remember watching this at the movies. When that shark broke out of it’s containment and came at the screen the audience screamed and tried to climb over the backs of their chairs. It wasn’t even in 3D. What  you can learn from this movie…animals with big teeth are not good subjects for experimentation. At least not whilst they’re still alive. And especially not if you’re going to go making them smarter.

#4 War of the Worlds

Ok so this is less about humans getting it wrong than it is about invading creatures. But it still pretty much means the same thing when you’re in the middle of it. How does anyone ever know where to run in these types of situations? Ray valiantly tries to protect his children from the invading forces and other people desperately trying to protect their own families and get to safety. And there’s rather a lot of very creepy noises from the invaders.

#3 Godzilla

Ok, so this monster exists because of really stupid human stuff. Atomic weapons. Yeah they’re going to end the lives of a lot of people and animals and wild life but they could also raise giant monsters out of the sea. It’s like a double threat. But no one can control the monster. So lets just keep those fingers away from big red buttons, okay? Good.

#2 Shark Swarm

With the recently reported 15 Sharks Surrounding Paddle-boarders news this one had to be on the list. Just when you thought it could never happen in real life…

disaster horror movies
via IMDb

#1 Outbreak

Sometimes it’s about the little things. The choices of one seemingly insignificant person which could inadvertently wipe out, like, a gazillion people (I’m exaggerating a bit, maybe).

What can we learn from Disaster Horror Movies?

No one is coming to save you. So go ahead and save yourself so those that survive can band together and come up with a plan to save what’s left of the world. And keep your cupboards stocked with tins of stuff that can be eaten cold just in case someone has to break into your house, after you’ve evacuated, and they’re really hungry.