When that light hits the sky, it’s not just a call. It’s a warning. | KT Review

Obviously, I was going to follow Batman Returns with The Batman -and because it turned up on NowTV Cinema, and I hadn’t seen it yet, I just had to watch it. I advise against this, by the way, there are definitely moments you compare -like cat woman’s strength when lifting a man. And obviously Robert Pattinson’s Bruce Wayne is very different from Michael Keaton’s.

**Warning: There may be spoilers ahead**

Starring Andy Serkis (War for the Planet of the Apes, The Sandman), Jayme Lawson (The Woman King, The First Lady), John Turturro (Transformers: The Last Knight, O Brother, Where Art Thou?), Paul Dano (12 Years a Slave, Looper), Jeffrey Wright (Shaft, The Sandman), Colin Farrell (Seven Psychopaths, The Gentlemen), Zoë Kravitz (Mad Max: Fury Road, X-Men: First Class), and Robert Pattinson (Twilight, Tenet).

When a sadistic serial killer begins murdering key political figures in Gotham, Batman is forced to investigate the city’s hidden corruption and question his family’s involvement.

IMDb The Batman
The Batman Trailer

The Batman Review Conclusion

I would watch another one: but it might take me a while to get comfortable with Pattinson as Bruce Wayne. It just didn’t seem like the greatest fit, there was something lacking. But I’m good with him as Vengeance, that totally works. Loved the whole vibe of it though, how dark it was and the almost everyone in crazy masks because it was Halloween. And the Riddler was not at all what I was expecting when he was revealed. I really enjoyed it, despite not quite connecting with Bruce Wayne or the occasional comparison between the characters and previous incarnations -Ozwald gave vibes of the character from the series rather than from Batman Returns. But he also reminded me of someone else, I couldn’t quite put my finger on, Ronald Reagan in some other movie perhaps.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.