Yup, it’s one of them posts, where I talk about me and what I’m doing and not about the latest horror movie, series, witches, westerns (okay, maybe briefly), or old-timey serial killer. It’s a little catch up to keep you in the loop, because I know how much you wanna snoop. So, without further ado…

Currently Working On:
If you’ve read Stars and Moon you’ll be excited to know that the third book is finally making headway. The Long Undead has been a long time coming but, as I worked on the script first (not totally finished), I was able to play with layout and happenings. Now I’m going back to the beginning and writing the novel, taking my time and making you wait.
The Long Undead does bring Max and Alice back from Moon, and The Three Sisters from Stars -albeit briefly. It introduces us to Ruben Hellebore, owner of Noctisbellum Inc. who chooses to live somewhat reclusively and out of the limelight. Preferring to keep his lifestyle and habits contained.
Set in Los Angeles, for the most part, it begins to bring together monsters when their existence is threatened by an organisation which would very much like to rid them from the world. We also meet Ruben’s manservant Reaford, who is not all he seems and could be Ruben’s biggest problem of all.
I’m about four chapters in on this draft and hope to get a lot more done in the coming weeks.

- Vampire Diaries (for the third time)
- Trigger Point
- The Responder
- The Woman in the House Across the Street from the Girl in the Window
- Ali Wong: Dong Wong
- Big Sky S2
- Reacher
- Equalizer S2
And not much else because there really isn’t much grabbing my attention at the moment, I’ve got into a habit of starting things and giving up part way through first episode if I’m not into them. That doesn’t mean I won’t go back to them at a later date, just that right at that moment it’s not what I want to watch.
Looking forward to watching Vikings: Valhalla (although I should point out I never got all the way through Vikings), Day of the Dead, and Moon Knight. There’ll probably be more things as I see trailers but the pickings seem a little thin still.
The shows I’d like to watch but probably won’t be able to, like, for ages: Yellowstone, and 1883, and whatever the new spin off is that I’ve seen mentioned.
- Dune -just finished
- Midnight Sun -reading
Got Percy Jackson and the Battle of the Labyrinth, Sleeping Beauties, and BZRKR (Did you know they’re making this into a series, with Keanu voicing?) on my to be read pile currently.
- Pork Scratchings (as per usual)
- A lot of fish and rice (for some reason)
- Popcorn (also as per usual)
- Hershey’s Cheesecake (from Iceland) -it’s so yummy
No idea why I feel you need to know this stuff but you should also know that my main drink is Coffee with the occasional Pukka Tea (not much for fruit teas, prefer the herb teas and liquorice or honey ones if you were wondering).
I have no schedule for these kinds of posts but if you’ve followed me a while you’ll know they pop up occasionally to let you know what I’m up to, you know, beyond watching movies and TV. If you find them interesting let me know, maybe I’ll do more. Maybe.
Horror and Fantasy Author – Also writing as K.T. McQueen. Love Western Horror, cowboy boots, my cactus Collin, & my Demon Cat.
Moths – I hate moths, the way they flutter at your face!