Werewolf Movie, Sundance, Bigfoot | KT Blog

There’s definitely an entire pack of monsters creeping towards us this year, with Nosferatu coming towards the end of the year. There’s a new werewolf movie in the works from the director of Happy Death Day, and a bigfoot movie that continues a story from 1967. And there’s bound to be even more peeking through the cracks of the Sundance Film Festival.

Big Bad | Werewolf Movie

Who didn’t love Happy Death Day? And if you haven’t seen it, you really should. I watched it on a whim and lurved it! So, I’m expecting big things from Chris Landon on this one. Coupled with Todd Lieberman producing (The Duel, The Fighter) it should be epic.

The movie is based on a short story by Chandler Baker, written for an anthology called Creature Feature. Which I am loath to admit, I haven’t read -yet! But it’s been a while since we’ve had a good werewolf movie and this will, in no way, increase my fear of them.

The Strauss family is on knife’s edge. Sam is a resentful stay-at-home dad. Rachel feels the restlessness in her blood returning. Their children are getting out of hand. And a recent mudslide has forced the wolves out of the woods to look for food. As dusk falls and tensions rise, the family must come together to survive the night — from the threats outside and those within.

Big Bad, Deadline-

Sundance Film Festival

The Sundance Film Festival runs from January 18th to the 28th in Park City, Utah. But you don’t have to be there to see the movies, this festival allows you to view from home. And there are still tickets available for select screenings here.

A few that have grabbed my attention include:

Bigfoot | Sasquatch Sunset

Based on Patterson-Gimlin footage from 1967, and if you’ve ever wondered what it is, what does it do all day, and where is it going, this dive into the creature’s life and the nature that it lives in, along with others of its kind, could be quite an interesting movie. Starring Jesse Eisenberg, Riley Keough, Christophe Zajac-Denek, and Nathan Zellner.

A year in the life of a unique family. It captures the daily life of the Sasquatch with a level of detail and rigor that is simply unforgettable.

Sasquatch Sunset, IMDb

Werewolves, vampires, bigfoot, and who knows what other monsters may grace our screens in 2024. I’ll be watching, will you?