Robert Pickton | Serial Killer, Pig Farmer, Rapist

Confessed to 49 Victims

Robert Pickton confessed to his cellmate that he wanted to kill another woman to make his count an even fifty. His cellmate was an undercover agent from the Office of the Inspector General.

Robert Pickton


The women of Vancouver were his prey. After the death of his parents, he discovered a new freedom to do what he wanted when he wanted. He spent his days working on the farm and his nights on the town. After he and his siblings sold part of the farm they registered the charity Piggy Palace Good Time Society and started throwing wild parties and raves in a converted slaughterhouse.

On March 23rd, 1997, Robert Pickton was charged with attempted murder. He’d handcuffed a sex worker, who he stabbed several times. She was able to break free, injure Pickton and escape. But the charge was dismissed in 1998. And months later, after some legal pressure, their charity status was dissolved.


Local investigators were looking into the 64 missing Vancouver women, many who had been seen on the Pickton farm before their disappearance, but hit a dead end. Then, on February 1st 2002, a truck driver mentioned to the police that he had seen illegal weapons in Robert Pickton’s trailer. And the police had their lead and were able to obtain a court order to search the farm. What they discovered would begin the largest forensic investigation in Canada, when one investigator found an inhaler with the name of one of the missing women on. The police obtained a new search warrant and Robert Pickton spent the night behind bars.

  • February 22, 2002, Pickton was arrested and charged with the murders of Sereena Abotsway and Mona Wilson
  • April 2, the murders of Jacqueline McDonell, Diane Rock, and Heather Bottomley were added to the charges
  • April 9, a sixth charge for the murder of Andrea Joesbury
  • then a seventh for Brenda Wolfe
  • September 20, four more added -Georgina Papin, Patricia Johnson, Helen Hallmark, and Jennifer Furminger
  • October 3, four charges of murders for Heather Chinnock, Tanya Holyk, Sherry Irving, and Inga Hall
  • May 26, 2005, 12 more charges for the murders of Cara Ellis, Andrea Borhaven, Debra Lynne Jones, Marnie Frey, Tiffany Drew, Kerry Koski, Sarah de Vries, Cynthia Feliks, Angela Jardine, Wendy Crawford, Diana Melnick, and Jane Doe

Robert Pickton | Butcher

A skilled butcher, Robert Pickton was able to dismember the bodies. Feeding parts to his pigs and discarding others. The news reported that some of the meat may have contaminated the pork bought from the farm which was subsequently made into pies and sold to the wider public.

Sentenced to life with no possibility of parole for 25 years in 2007


By K.T. McQueen

A young woman with a promise to keep.
Another with a curse to lift.
And a werewolf looking for a new mate.
When Alice invited her friends, Sarah, Paul, and Dave to stay in her Grandmother’s Romanian farmstead they were expecting to take a break from studying and have a good time. Of course, that wasn’t the only reason Alice was there but her friends didn’t need to be involved in that. And she could happily show them where her family was from. And the town where she had spent her summers without them ever suspecting anything.
But then they meet the hunter, the werewolves catch their scent, and Sarah reveals a secret that could end her friendship with Alice and spell disaster for all of them.

Moon, Noctisbellum Inc.

Book 2 in the Noctisbellum Inc. series