Strange and atmospheric, The Lodgers leads you through the gardens in your nightwear hoping to entice you into the story. Just be sure to follow the rules. Be in bed by midnight. Let no one cross the threshold. Never leave
The Lodgers
Twins Edward and Rachel share a strange existence on their crumbling family estate. Each night the property becomes the domain of a sinister presence. To keep safe the twins must follow three rules: be in bed by midnight, no outsiders may pass the threshold, and if one twin attempts to leave the other will be placed in jeopardy.
Starring Charlotte Vega (Another Me, The Refugees), David Bradley (Game of Thrones, Harry Potter), Moe Dunford (Vikings, Gridlock), Eugene Simon (Game of Thrones, Genius), and Bill Milner (X-Men First Class, iBoy).

The Lodgers Review Conclusion
I might watch it again – with beautiful ethereal music this movie whispers the threat at you from the beginning. But as it goes on it gets stranger and stranger. With beautiful imagery and carefully woven stories, it takes a while for this tale to come full circle. And then it starts getting really strange. Although, I felt a little like some things were left unanswered at the end but I’m not sure I could tell you what.
3.5 Stars
But it is very slow. So, if you’re looking for something to scare the pants off you from the start this isn’t it. But the further in you get the better it gets. Stranger and stranger. Wetter and wetter. I imagine this would be a very good film to watch on a dark and stormy night with the lights out, the fire crackling, and a friend or two to send to investigate creepy noises should you need to.
Your Suggestions Wanted: If you have a Horror, Weird West, or Western Horror you think I’d enjoy, or if you have an Indie horror you’d like me to review, let me know in the comments or Tweet it at me. You can find me on Twitter @KateTrinity or @AuthorKTMcQueen
Reviews are based on the image below:

Download STARS by KT McQueen for free. The first in the Noctisbellum Inc. series which begins my Monster Universe. And sample the first few chapters of Moon which is now available from most eBook sellers.

Horror and Fantasy Author – Also writing as K.T. McQueen. Love Western Horror, cowboy boots, my cactus Collin, & my Demon Cat.
Moths – I hate moths, the way they flutter at your face!