Realm of Shadows -A Woven Tale | KT Review

Tarot, Witches, Tony Todd, Realm of Shadows has it all. How could I resist? But I warn you, this one demands your full attention. Settle in for an anthology of stories, all twisted together to torment your mind.

Starring Lauren C. Mayhew (Dexter, Raise Your Voice) as Ashley, Vida Ghaffari (Eternal Code, Closet Monster) as Cassandra. Jimmy Drain (The Dead Rose, Overshadow) as Robby, Richard Tyson (Black Hawk Down, Blooming Sisters) as Hugo. Vernon Wells (Mad Max 2, Blood and Snow) as Cypress, and Tony Todd (Candyman, The Crow, Scream: The TV Series) as Fr. Dudley.

Enter a world of mystery, possession and shadows in an anthology of short horror themed tales woven into a full-length feature presentation. Even the most shocking stories are based on true events.

Realm of Shadows, IMDb

Realm of Shadows Review Conclusion

Well, I definitely have a favourite!: An intriguingly twisted story -or should I say, a collection of twisted stories woven together? Dark, devious, and just a little sweet in the centre, these stories work individually and together -although there are a few places that have you wondering what you missed. My favourite character was Robby, and my favourite special effects were near the end -it’s so hard not to be specific without giving away spoilers- let’s just say, the horns made me do a double take. Completely unlike anything I’ve watched before and yet somehow so familiar. An enjoyable watch and well cast. Would definitely watch another one.

Rating: 4 out of 5.