2021 might have started like this if it had been a script (I’m sure it will be in the future)…
INT. Living Room -Day
A ball of Christmas wrapping paper rolls across the heavily trodden carpet, batted playfully by a fat ginger tabby. A smear of mayo reveals his recent stealth mission in the kitchen.
The prime minsters overly familiar voice emits from the TV, to a chorus of groans and complaints.

It could have been any day in January, in any household across the country. And I had to go to work (Yes, I have a real world job too). Writing was mostly on pause, blog posts were thin on the ground, and there was only so many movies I could fit in around shifts. Hell, I’d even stopped reading as much. In an ever changing environment, masks still had to be worn, and lots of layers were required against the cold. Not to mention an ability to not take other people’s opinions on masks and corona and what I could and couldn’t do, personally. People were afraid, frustrated, fed up, and disbelieving. And we’re still going through more of the same, the uncertainty of what will be expected from us next and for how long it might go on.
I’ve heard a lot of theories, a lot of opinions, a lot of thoughts and sometimes it’s hard to keep your own to yourself. But the horror community, the writing community and a strange group of Vikings on Facebook have kept me going, laughing, and entertained.
Pauses in writing
In terms of writing, I haven’t done much this year. I entered a script in a competition at the beginning of the year and I’ve jotted notes down for future books, but nothing new written. I have one script -the follow up to moon in my Noctisbellum Inc series- that still needs some work but is almost there. And obviously that makes up the bare bones for the next book (the first chapter of which is at the end of Moon, although, I can probably tell you now that that chapter won’t be the first chapter but will be a little further in).

I’ve definitely not kept to my one blog post a week that I thought I would at the beginning of the year and I hope you’ll forgive me and stick with me. Watched a lot of movies and series and even managed to go to the cinema to see Ghostbusters (an excellent film), just didn’t have the time (or motivation in some cases) to write about them.
I would be interested to know what you would like to see more of in the coming year, what brings you to the site, and any thoughts on what you think I could add (let me know on twitter @AuthorKTMcQueen).
But I have discovered a few new snacks this year (who hasn’t?), I love pork scratchings so I’ve been trying out new brands and flavours. And the Christmas popcorn from the supermarkets are amazing. Loving Morrison’s Mince Pie flavour and Tesco’s Cream Liqueur flavour. If you’re in either of those stores, grab a bag and give them a try with your fav Christmas movies whilst they’re still available.
Anyway, once again, it’s been a year. Thank you for sticking around, following, reading, downloading, sharing, and just being there. You’ve made my year and my Christmas much sweeter. Have a great one.
Best Wishes

Horror and Fantasy Author – Also writing as K.T. McQueen. Love Western Horror, cowboy boots, my cactus Collin, & my Demon Cat.
Moths – I hate moths, the way they flutter at your face!