You can have what you Desire, when you play The Soul Game.
You will receive exactly what you need in abundance, for the rest of your mortal life. You will, by playing The Soul Game just once, acquire one of the life enhancing benefits mentioned above. Without the usual lifelong hard graft and insecurities you will be granted all that your heart desires.
Women will fall at your feet, men will take you on extravagant dates, and people will want to be in your company. You could have all the riches you’ve ever imagined, never have a thing wrong with you, and meet your soul mate.
By dedicating only a short period (10 days) to this game you could vastly improve your experience of life. You could make all those negative aspects just disappear.
But it’s just a game! I hear you yell. It’s called a game but in reality it’s a series of simple tasks you need to accomplish. You can’t fail as you move through each life enhancing opportunity. You are, of course, free to give up at any point – but why would you want to?
If you choose to play you’ll become engrossed in the swiftness of the results, an addict to the rules, and a complete obsessive over your future self. You will want to complete every task, knowing how much your future self will thank you for it.
You Will Be Asked To:
- Step out of your comfort zones
- Try things you’ve never tried before
- Behave in ways completely against your nature (this is how you grow quickly)
- Talk to people you would never have considered approaching before
- Move on from the parts of your life that don’t work for you
- Pick a colour
- Sign a contract of agreement to hold you to your own determination for improvement
- Complete tasks you can’t see the benefit of or the outcome
- Decide whether you’d like to play again for a further life benefit
Each of these tasks will provide you with a new outlook on life and a craving for more. You will expand your mind and see things you never before thought possible.
It’s important you’re 100% determined to see this through before you agree to become a contestant. Your future depends on it.
To become part of this great opportunity follow one of the links:
Please note: This title is currently only available by direct purchase from the author. There are 3 signed physical copies remaining for purchase -£10 each
The publisher is in talks with Amazon. Things could change.
- UK: The Soul Game
- US: The Soul Game
With our award winning 100% get out free guarantee, you’ll be able to return to your normal life at any time with no hard feelings. You will, however, forfeit the small non-monetary investment* you’re asked to make.
Previous player’s testimonials
“I thought the story was really clever and the characters just leapt off the page – each one clearly defined and with their own voice. The dialogue flowed and felt very real and natural. – Fiona, Cleveland
“An entertaining story from a writer with a great imagination. I read it twice…so far. – Andrew, Tokyo
“Although I was very reluctant at first I eventually accepted that I needed to do something to improve my life. Everything else I’d tried just fell flat and this was a last chance. I dipped into the deepest part of my soul and signed the contract. It was the best decision I’ve ever made and I’ve been lucky enough to be able to pass it on to some great people who have all played The Soul Game too” – Barry O, Washington
“I was living on the streets when I picked up a copy of the Soul Game someone had left on a bus stop bench. I hadn’t had anything new to read in a long time, little did I know that one book would change my entire life. I’ll never be able to thank the T.G.Master enough.” – Bob, London
“Fantastic story! The premise is truly amazing. This is a book that introduces you to some pretty colourful characters as the storyline unfolds – of which Mike’s is by far the most fascinating, but its the mythology of the world it all takes place in that truly grabbed me. Truly great book. – Adam, London
Play the Soul Game
Be like these other great contestants and change your life for the better, no matter what your life needs to improve you can accomplish it through The Soul Game, as long as you are committed.
Only you can decide whether to continue, whether your soul is worth the price of a gift that could change your entire life.
You do, however, have a final chance to back out. If you think your soul is worth more or that you require it for some other reason then please do not risk it on the game. If you win, you get to keep your soul until the day you die. And with it the gift you bargained for, if you lose your soul will belong to T.G.Master. Once you begin the game you must not quit, even if you think you failed a task keep playing. You may get the chance to redo that task or you may have completed it without realising.
Once you begin you must never quit.
So here it is, your final chance. You can back out now if you wish or continue on and take your place in the game. Sit back, take a deep breath and decide. Because once you cross the line you are playing for your soul and you cannot go back, ever.
Follow one of the links:
Please note: This title is currently only available by direct purchase from the author. There are 3 signed physical copies remaining for purchase -£10 each
The publisher is in talks with Amazon. Things could change.
- UK: The Soul Game
- US: The Soul Game
*Your soul is the investment you will bargain for one of ten gifts.
**The Soul Game is novel by K.T.McQueen, if you choose to play the game and do not obtain your life gift through following the tasks and the rules, the author, and the owner of this blog, cannot be held responsible. By choosing to play the game you are accepting that the choice to play and the consequences of that choice are your responsibility and yours alone. Your soul is not the responsibility of the author and as such the author is not liable for it’s loss. Nor any other losses you might incur from playing the game. You are, of course, free to read the book without playing the game.