Let Me Be the Monster T-shirt

The Morning After the Night Before.

It is the mission of all writers to get into your head.
To make you feel things you didn’t think you could feel from a book.
But it is also the mission of monsters and lovers. To have you thinking about them all of the time.
I thought it was cute to mix the two in this top. This is cute right? I haven’t misunderstood the term?
Good for the morning after, wandering round the kitchen, making coffee, your hair all messy from the night before, his boxers, your vest top.
His concerned look that perhaps he might of made a slight miscalculation about the type of person you are.
Your teasing smile as you ask if he missed you already.
Your seductive reminder to “call me” as he rushes out the door forgetting his pants.
The quietness of having a house all to yourself as you sip your coffee and indulge in a good book.
Truly the best kind of weekend.