Kate Reviews: From Dusk Till Dawn 3

The Hangman’s Daughter

From Dusk Till Dawn 3: The Hangman’s Daughter is set in Mexico in 1899 (it says a hundred years ago, it was made in 1999 – I did some maths) and directed by P.J.Pesce.

dusk till dawn
From Dusk Till Dawn 3 via IMDb

There is a strong possibility I’ve seen this one before – or perhaps the location (the vamp bar) is just so familiar from the other films – and there were quite a few moments where I was thinking ‘Seen this’.

The integration of characters is good, and how everyone ends up at the bar. There’s horses and six shooters – but I didn’t really feel the western element of it. It was just another Vamp movie. Yes I know there was a western town at the beginning, stage coach robbery, bizarre execution, and a posse, but for me it lacked grittiness. It was more like your favorite TV series deciding to do a western themed episode, where, for some weird reason, they all traveled back in time due to the main character getting a concussion or something.

But saying that, From Dusk Till Dawn 3 didn’t make me wanna turn off the TV and go read a book. It’s a pretty decent movie given it’s age, familiar setting, familiar script, and familiar characters. Not entirely sure how I feel about tongue licking but I loved that the creatures didn’t bleed regular blood and that Grandma had aged so well.

From Dusk Till Dawn 3 Review Conclusion

I’d watch it again, maybe on a Saturday afternoon when it’s raining out, the heating’s on, dinners in the oven, and I’m feeling nostalgic.

3 stars 

Your Suggestions Wanted: If you have a Weird West or Western Horror movie (or book) you think I’d enjoy (or simply think I should watch it) let me know in the comments or Tweet it at me. I’ll give you a shout out if I review it 🙂