Christmas 2023 Sign by Sign | Daemon Tarot

Okay, I know they’re a little late, so we’ll just focus on the rest of the month!

Your Daemon Tarot’s 2023 monthly messages are here to offer guidance and a hint about what you should consider each month.

You may notice some repeated cards. After every pull, I replace the card back in the deck and reshuffle, so each card that comes out has the same chance to be pulled.

**For Entertainment Purposes Only -I’m not trying to sell your soul**

Daemon Tarot cards

Your Daemon Tarot for the Month Ahead

The Tarot Cards for Aries to Cancer


Nybbas: Your dreams could be important this month, both those of your waking life -that lead you to what you desire- and those of your sleeping life that go over the information you have gathered through the day. Pay attention to the signs and symbols within, but don’t forget a daydream of the future is only as good as the action you take towards obtaining it.


Agares: bring allies and helpful items closer as you push destructive influences away this month, and find guidance in your family – whether they are blood relatives or not. Know that you are always heading home.


Nickar: The mermaid of the deck, these water spirits can be both helpful and cruel. Whilst some might save those in difficulty from drowning, others might lure sailors into rocks. So, this month, take all necessary precautions -no matter what journey or venture you are undertaking- and be grateful to those who help you. Respect outside influences.


Caacrinolaas: The better you know someone, the easier it is to influence them. Spend time getting to know people, but beware of using your knowledge and friendships to harm others.

When you drop the idea of predicting the future, you start to experience the cards as a mirror of the psyche. That`s when playing with the tarot becomes a path to wisdom.

Philippe St Genoux

What’s Coming for Leo to Scorpio


Caym: Has life been a little chaotic of late? Cut through the chaos with ambient sounds and time to yourself. You need to recharge and let the chaos abate from your soul before you dive back in. Give yourself a moment to reflect and release.


Nickar: The mermaid of the deck, these water spirits can be both helpful and cruel. Whilst some might save those in difficulty from drowning, others might lure sailors into rocks. So, this month, take all necessary precautions -no matter what journey or venture you are undertaking- be grateful to those who help you, and respect outside influences.


Asmodeus: Lust might bring out your demonic side this month, either bringing a dark desire to your passions or potentially causing you to take things a little too far when in pursuit of something you want.


Bael: Try not to be too impressed by a person’s title, who they are as a person is much more important than the lofty heights they’ve risen too, if in fact they have.

Playing with the tARoT is an art that enables you to see what you didn’t see before.

Philippe St Genoux

Daemon Tarot for Sagittarius to Pisces


Forcas: You could have a silver tongue when it comes to speeches or logical mind when it comes to solving problems but do all things with eloquence and grace.


Andras: Beware of causing harm to others that may result in harm to yourself. Is the risk really worth the reward?


Alocer: Chart your course with the aid of the stars this month and appreciate the treasures you have and receive.


Harborym: Do you have a tendency towards verbal destruction, even lighting fires under people? Don’t allow your sharp wit to tear others down -or apart- have a little consideration for other people’s feelings. It might sound clever to you, but it could be painful for them.

Daemon Tarot Cards

The Daemon Tarot Cards

A daemon tarot deck by Ariana Osborne and illustrated by Louis Breton. Based on Collin De Plancy’s Dictionnaire Infernal.

The Moribund: Now Available on Kindle Unlimited